Analytics, Digital Marketing, Social Network

Collecting Twitter Network Data with R

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. You can download it from its official website. In the following, we share the R codes for collecting twitter search network data. This network data is created from tweets containing #BoilerUp hashtag. We create a node for each unique Twitter user who either tweeted one of those tweets,…

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Analytics, Social Network

Visualize a network data in Gephi step by step

Visualization of social network data has provided an interesting approach to understand the diffusion of consumer information among customer network. In the following, I provide a step by step instruction of visualizing Nike’ s famous hash tag: #justdoit. I first collect all recent tweets that contain the hash tag of “justdoit” from Twitter. In the data, each twitter account that…

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Analytics, Digital Marketing

How to prepare for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) exam?

The Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) is a demonstration of proficiency in Google Analytics that is available to any individual who has passed the Google Analytics IQ exam. The Google Analytics certification remains current for 18 months from the date you pass the exam. This online exam contains 70 multiple choice questions and lasts no more than 90 minutes.  …

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Advertising, Analytics, Pharmaceutical Marketing

Attention to Detailing: Would Reducing Pharmaceutical Sales Calls to Physicians Help or Harm Patients?

Attention to Detailing Posted on November 17, 2015 by Claire Hall Medical Sales UConn Professor Asks: Would Reducing Pharmaceutical Sales Calls to Physicians Help or Harm Patients? When a pharmaceutical company sends a representative to your doctor’s office to promote a new or existing medication, is that a benefit to you as a patient? Would restricting those visits bring greater…

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Analytics, Digital Marketing

A/B testing with Google Analytics

A/B testing is a randomized experiment with two variants, A and B.  Such experiments are commonly used in web development, email marketing, and advertising design. In web development case, you define a control or original page (page A) and an experiment or variation (page B) of the original page to test against. The goal of the test is to randomly expose your…

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